Danica Hilton

​​​Danica Hilton is a circus artist. She has worked with Cirque du Soleil. In 2013 she participated in Commedia Toto, directed by Ira Seidenstein.

​I first met Ira when I was 15 years old when he came to teach a class at Flipside Circus in Brisbane. I had fallen in love with everything circus and loved the classes he gave. At this stage I was heavily competing Internationally as an elite gymnast so circus was a passion for the weekends. I continued my training as a gymnast and trampolinist always dreaming to join the Cirque du Soleil.

When I was 18 years old I sought the guidance and knowledge of Ira and his teachings for my upcoming audition with the Cirque. I trained with Ira every Saturday morning leading up to this big day. The audition went beautifully and I successfully made the gruelling process down to the last two people. Six months later I was asked to be part of the company. I joined the show Zaia in Macau, China and was living my dream, flying through the air on trampolines and off teeterboards for the next four years. I would not have been living this life if it weren't for Ira.

Recently, I have begun happily working with Ira again developing the Commedia dell-arte character of Pierrot, the tear drop specced white clown. Thanks again to Ira, I am over the moon with the progress. Ira is my mentor and guide. I respect his teachings, his knowledge and his wonderful being. He comes with my highest recommendation, gratitude and a lot of warm love!

Ira Seidenstein