On Teaching: Acting and Clown.

By Ira Seidenstein

May 5, 2023

Excerpts from Clown Secret Ch. 1 – The Eruption and Evolution of the Method: Quantum Theatre: Slapstick to Shakespeare.

For further information see website including pages of Associates, Patrons, Blog (60+ essays) www.iraseid.com – email iraseid@gmail.com

Backstage – Ira as actor in Slava’s Snowshow. Poster from “The Kid” film by Chaplin

CHAPLIN’S EYE – 2 of the 5 actors – Jane Barber and Kristin Duffus as Zophtie and Femmla

The Book of Clown created by Park Sanghyun (South Korea) Emily Burton (Los Angeles) dir. by Ira

Excerpts from Clown Secret book Ch. 1 – The Eruption and Evolution of the Method: Quantum Theatre: Slapstick to Shakespeare. My pair of books are available via Kindle in 2 minutes. Available via print-on-demand via most online booksellers or order via your local independent bookshop.

For further information see website including pages of Associates, Patrons, Blog (60+ essays) www.iraseid.com – email iraseid@gmail.com

Here is another of my many blog essays dealing with ways one can develop further in performance, Clown, Acting, Teaching, Directing, Creating Theatre etc. Click on the text to open the whole essay.

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Ira Seidenstein